Thursday, February 3, 2011

With My Head Under A Towel...

The past couple of evenings have been with my head under a towel, hovering over a bowl of steaming water with eucalyptus oil, breathing in the vapors, fighting off sinus troubles.  

Microsoft word clip art
Though I am fighting against congestion, drainage (how can one be congested and have sinus drainage beyond me), my voice trying to fade away, and a cough (caused by the nagging tickle in my throat), I'm thankful that is all that is wrong with me.  

There have been several of my friends taken down to their knees with the flu.  It seems to be a particularly nasty bug this year.  I have a big, burly, bouncer, biker friend, that I didn't think anything would take down, but that little nasty flu bug sure did.   For once, I actually felt sorry for him.  :)

I just hope it all moves on... and everyone survives.



My thought for the day:

My best friend (my husband) 
got my camera and took these pictures for me this morning.

He knew I would like them.

 God sure paints a pretty sky!


Recipe for a hot drink when you have a cold!
If you have been feeling a little under the weather, try this hot concoction to help sooth the ailment.


A Hot Toddy is great but sometimes you want that warm soothing mix without the liquor and that's where the Hot Not Toddy comes in. Choose your favorite hot tea and watch it be transform it into a delightful winter mocktail by adding some the non-alcoholic elements of the traditional toddy. This is not only great for the non-drinker but to share with kids and as a soothing relief of cold symptoms - kind of like chicken soup.


  • 7 oz hot tea
  • 1 Tbsp honey
  • 1 tsp lemon juice
  • grated cinnamon
  • ground cloves
  • grated nutmeg
  • lemon wedge for garnish


  1. In an Irish coffee glass pour the honey, lemon and spices.
  2. Top with hot, brewed tea.
  3. Stir.
  4. Garnish with a lemon wedge.


Final Thoughts:
May you wake in the mourn; full of energy and well rested.
May your day be accomplished and fully blessed.

God bless and keep you,

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