Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Tator Tots & Hush Puppies...


While I wait for my tator tots and hush puppies to cook (yeah, I know it's not much of a supper, but its late), I thought I'd share a few pics with you.

This morning while walking in to work I took this picture.  It was an awesome way to start the day seeing God' beautiful work.

When I got into the office, this is what it looked like.

When I left the office this evening, this is what it looked like.

Here is a sunset, my daughter caught last night and that was a beautiful way to end the day.  :)

Well, my tots and puppies are done.   So until next time, have a wonderful Wednesday!

God bless and keep you,


  1. your sky watch photos are beautiful!!
    and hush puppies and tater tots sound pretty good too!!
    have a great rest of the week.

    1. Thanks Annmarie! here's wishing you great rest of the week too. :)


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Beauty of Giving
