Tuesday, November 22, 2011


I came home for lunch today and saw a pleasant surprise. 

In my driveway stood two friends, talking to my husband.  I haven't seen them since Easter.  Keith and Sherri moved out of state, shortly after Easter.  

Today, they were on their way to celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday with their kids in Oklahoma, and were kind enough to stop by for a few minutes.  

Talk about a hi-lite of my week!   Though I didn't get to visit with them long, it brought joy to my heart to see them again.

Just wish I had my camera ready and with me at the time.. but I didn't have my camera and the battery needed to be charged, to boot.  



Have you had an experience that has changed your outlook on life?  If so, how?


Today, I delivered the quilt I've been working on to the friend I made it for.   I always get a little nervous when I present a quilt, in fear it will not be good enough, but most of the time my fears are for naught.   Today, my friend was very pleased with the way the quilt turned out.  That made me happy.

Today, has just been a good day full of surprise, blessings and laughter.

Thank you Lord!!

Well this is a short week for me at work. I have workied my normal hours today and yesterday (8-5), but tomorrow I go in at 730 and leave at 230. I'm getting out early. EARLY!!! :) Then I'm off for the rest of the week.

I'll be taking down my fall decorations in my cubicle tomorrow and will most likely take my Christmas decorations in next week.

My hubby, kids and I are thinking of forgoing the turkey, dressing and pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving day, as we have celebrated twice, as a family, and I have three times, in the past week. I think we are going to go with mexican dishes. I hope to try some new recipes and will share the best one, for my weekly recipe this week.


I'll let you go for now...

Have a wonderful Wednesday!

God bless and keep you,

1 comment:

  1. Now that is always a wonderful surprise! How sweet of them to stop by for a quick visit.

    Losing my dad has made me slow down and to enjoy every moment of life.

    Have a Wonderful and Happy Thanksgiving!


I look forward to your comments. :)

Beauty of Giving
