My friend Em, sent me a package. In this package was a sandwich box.
Curious... I open it...
And look what I found!
What a nice surprise! A pretty blown glass heart necklace.
Em, always has a way to bring a smile to your face - a kind word, or gesture. I think she lives to bring a smile to someone. :) Thanks Em!! PS... I think sandwich box is a cute and novel way to give a gift. :)
I started on my handbag today. I decided to change up the pattern a bit. To some you that isn't a surprise. :)
I couldn't find the quilted fabric, the pattern called for, or at least none that I liked. So I picked fabrics out of my stash and quilted the sides. I added pockets to the outside, with a contrasting trim. I plan to add pockets on the inside and make a matching organizer to go in it. I will post pics as soon as I get it done.
This set will go into a "Moving" gift basket, for a friend who is moving out of of state, in the next week or so.
What five things will you always find on you?
Samelia's Mum is having a giveaway. You could win one of four Sewline Fabric Glue Pen. This giveaway ends Sunday, July 31, at 7:00 pm AEST.
My Giveaway : 5000+ Giveaway
ending 8/14/11, winners announced 8/15/11
Check it out at
Check out Rita's blog:
There are several giveaways to enter. :)
A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones ~ Proverbs 17:22
Have a great Sunday!!
God bless and keep you,
My answer to yesterday's question: The nicest thing said to me... a friend recently told me, the first time she saw me, she saw the love of God shining through me. That, blessed me beyond words.