Sunday, October 4, 2015


My church, First Baptist in Branch, Ar., is having a revival.  It started today.  It goes through Wednesday, starting at 6:30 each night, if you'd like to attend.

Tonight's message was from the book of Revelation, chapter two.  It is about the church of Ephesus.  It was a church who was gung-ho for God, so to speak.  They were committed and effective in the sharing of God's Word with others, but then they got complacent to the sins and worldly things around and lost their effectiveness.

As I listened I realized that I have done the same sort of thing, by letting circumstances with my dad and my job be a damper my effectiveness.   Yes, I have cried out to God and given these circumstances to Him in the past few months, but tonight I realized that though I did so I still hung on to them enough to let them continue to hinder me.

There is a scripture in Romans that I'm reminded of.

  • Romans 12:1 ~  I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.

This tells me each day I must die to self, take up my cross and trust God.  And I have to be reminded, from time to time, that I don't always die to self.  I'm not always willing to completely hand it all over to God.

God's still working on me.  Thankfully He loves me enough to show me where I falter, where I tend to stray.  Thankfully I know His voice, His guidance, His discipline, and His love.



  1. Amen to glad that God is still working on me, too, and hasn't given up on me!


I look forward to your comments. :)

Beauty of Giving