Saturday, November 2, 2013

Encouraged to be thankful

Hello, once again life has taken me by storm and I'm getting behind on my blog.

I will try to catch up and then hopefully get back on track.

I was inspired by one of my fellow bloggers, Shirlee, to think of something I'm thankful for each day this month.  So I have set a goal for myself to do so and to write something I'm thankful for each time I write my blog this month.

You can visit Shirlee's blog at

At the beginning of the week, I got to visit with my aunt Aleta.  She is in for a visit with my parents.  The last time I saw her was about 24 years ago.  It was good to see her and I'm glad she is here.

This week has been a busy week with Halloween and Fall Festivals.   Here are some pics I have captured this week.

Halloween week started out with heavy fog
All dressed up
Good Food
Pumpkin Seed Spitting Contest - the young
lady in the light blue shirt won.

Potluck at work
Inmates at the bank, Oh my!

Never fear...

a fox

a kitty
This guy showed up in my house
As you can tell the week went well and was full of smiles.


I'm thankful for family, good food and friends.


Like Shirlee, I encourage you to think of something you are thankful for each day this month.

Until next time, 

God bless and keep you,

PS...don't forget to set your clocks back an hour this weekend.

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