Today was a fun filled day at the Annual Quilt Congress. This year's theme was "Quiltin' On The River".
Each table was set up with a fish bowl. Since the guild I belong to helped host the congress, we had a reserved table. Everyone received a fish from the fish bowls. The fish were needle cases. Towards the end of the day the fishbowls and place mats were given away.
As hosts, we had to were these cute sailor hats. Judy was kind enough to let me use her as the model for the hat.. :)

There was a silent auction and a "Flotsam & Jetsam" (dirty santa) store.
The highlight of the day though, was the time of the guest speakers. Paula Mariedaughter and Charlotte Angotti shared their quilts with us.
I was able to get several shots of Paula's quilts. I only got two shots of Charlotte's quilts, as I was helping fold the quilts after they were shown.
To save some space on this page I have created a page where you can view all the quilts I saw today by clicking on this link
Paula talked about scrapbook quilts, memories and stories and the importance of documenting facts of your life. The backs of most of her quilts were just a fascinating as the fronts.
Charlotte talked about basically being yourself when you quilt. You're going to make mistakes, but don't sweat it. She had some beautiful quilts, even though many had mistakes. But you know, life isn't perfect, so why should we expect our quilts to be?
There were a few quilts that were given away or will be given away soon.
Here are two I bought a ticket on.
I did good, as far as spend money goes. I only purchased a doll pattern, which included the fabrics and hair ($0.50), I thought it was pretty good buy.
Then I heard about this improved upon seam ripper. So I had to get one. It's a normal seam ripper but has a rubber end to "erase out" the little threads left from seam ripping. You know how tedious it can be, but this will help out much.
We gave away a bunch of door prizes today too. I was one of the "runners", so I got my work out.
Here's the door prize I got, a jelly roll of fat quarters.
It was a good day. I got to see a friend I haven't seen in quite some time. There was a lot of laughter, good food and just overall excitement throughout the crowd gathering together.
Until next time,
God bless and keep you,
Each table was set up with a fish bowl. Since the guild I belong to helped host the congress, we had a reserved table. Everyone received a fish from the fish bowls. The fish were needle cases. Towards the end of the day the fishbowls and place mats were given away.
As hosts, we had to were these cute sailor hats. Judy was kind enough to let me use her as the model for the hat.. :)
Everyone also had pretty name tags to wear. Here's mine.
Everyone got a goody bag too and they were packed full of stuff.
I was able to take a few pictures as everyone was showing up and signing in. There were several vendors.
There was a silent auction and a "Flotsam & Jetsam" (dirty santa) store.
The highlight of the day though, was the time of the guest speakers. Paula Mariedaughter and Charlotte Angotti shared their quilts with us.
I was able to get several shots of Paula's quilts. I only got two shots of Charlotte's quilts, as I was helping fold the quilts after they were shown.
To save some space on this page I have created a page where you can view all the quilts I saw today by clicking on this link
Paula talked about scrapbook quilts, memories and stories and the importance of documenting facts of your life. The backs of most of her quilts were just a fascinating as the fronts.
Charlotte talked about basically being yourself when you quilt. You're going to make mistakes, but don't sweat it. She had some beautiful quilts, even though many had mistakes. But you know, life isn't perfect, so why should we expect our quilts to be?
There were a few quilts that were given away or will be given away soon.
Here are two I bought a ticket on.
I did good, as far as spend money goes. I only purchased a doll pattern, which included the fabrics and hair ($0.50), I thought it was pretty good buy.
Then I heard about this improved upon seam ripper. So I had to get one. It's a normal seam ripper but has a rubber end to "erase out" the little threads left from seam ripping. You know how tedious it can be, but this will help out much.
We gave away a bunch of door prizes today too. I was one of the "runners", so I got my work out.
Here's the door prize I got, a jelly roll of fat quarters.
It was a good day. I got to see a friend I haven't seen in quite some time. There was a lot of laughter, good food and just overall excitement throughout the crowd gathering together.
"Quilting is sharing yourself with others"
Until next time,
God bless and keep you,