Monday, September 28, 2015

To Try Out

I had the house to myself for a few hours this evening. What did I do with my time?

basting stitches
I basted a quilt.

 Last night I pieced a backing for it so that I could baste it tonight.

ready to baste
This quilt will be used at our quilt show this coming weekend.  It will be a place for individuals to try out hand quilting.

I've been working on a small afghan to use when I get chilled during my Bible time in the early morning.   I hope to have it done later this week to share.

 Did see the blood moon eclipse last night?  I went out to try to get a picture, but the clouds were getting in the way and my camera isn't strong enough to get the moon when it is darkened red.  This morning it sure looked big, low on the western horizon.   If you have followed my blog for very long you know I think the moon is a beautiful part of of God's creation.  It was certainly a beautiful sight as I drove to work this morning.

I guess that's it for now.

Hope all is going well with you.


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Beauty of Giving